NOW Seminars
Upcoming Events
Quarterly Lecture Series Season 5 Coming Soon
Ocean Worlds Observations - Europa Clipper Instruments and Earth Mission Analogs
Quarterly Lecture Series (3pm ET/ 12pm PT)
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Meeting ID: 973 9627 3344
Episode 1: January 8th
Zibi Turtle, Europa Clipper EIS and how/why its data will be used to investigate Europa’s ice shell
Marco Tedesco, How/why remote sensing on Earth is used to monitor and quantify the changing cryosphere
Episode 2: February 5th POSTPONED
Diana Blaney, Europa Clipper MISE and how/why its data will be used to investigate Europa’s ice shell
Joseph M. Cook, How/why multispectral data (from in situ/UAV/remote sensing) is being used to characterizing Earth’s changing cryosphere
Episode 3: April 2nd
Don Blankenship, Europa Clipper REASON and the anticipated investigations into Europa’s ice shell
Joe MacGregor, Operation IceBridge MCoRDS and the investigations into terrestrial ice sheet
Episode 4: April 30th
Phil Christensen, Europa Clipper ETHEMIS and how/why its data will be used to investigate Europa’s ice shell
Kerry Cawse-Nicholson, ECOSTRESS and how/why its data are used to evaluate surface temperatures of Earth’s oceans/bodies of water
Past Events
Quarterly Lecture Series
Season 4: Episode 4
Making Measurements on Ocean Worlds: Life Detection
Dr. Shannon MacKenzie, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Dr. Shujie Wang, Penn State University
Wednesday June 26th 3pm ET/ 12pm PT
Meeting ID: 235 689 671 131
Passcode: Vspmt5
Quarterly Lecture Series
Wednesday March 6th at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT
Season 4: Episode 3
Making and utilizing measurements of organics on Earth and other Ocean Worlds
Dr. Dennis Hansell, U Miami
Dr. Fernanda Mora, NASA JPL
Quarterly Lecture Series
Thursday January 18th at 12pm ET/ 9am PT
Season 4: Episode 2
Looking at Icy Surfaces with Radar
Alex Gardner, NASA JPL
Alice Le Gall, LATMOS
Quarterly Lecture Series
October 23rd 3pm ET/ 12pm PT
Season 4: Episode 1
Making Measurements on Ocean Worlds
Kelsey Bisson, Program Scientist for NASA’s Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program
Curt Niebur, Program Scientist for Outer Planets and Ocean Worlds in the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters
Quarterly Lecture Series
June 5th 3pm ET/ 12pm PT
Season 3: Episode 4
Exploring Ocean Worlds Through Analogs: Combined approaches to clathrates
Angela Marusiak-Schools, NASA JPL
Elodie Gloesener, NASA JPL
Quarterly Lecture Series
March 27th 3pm ET/ 12pm PT
Season 3: Episode 3 "Exploring Ocean Worlds Through Analogs: Numerical Simulations"
Dimitris Menemenlis, JPL
Krista Soderlund, UT Austin
Quarterly Lecture Series
December 5th 2pm ET/ 11pm PT
Season 3: Episode 2 "Exploring Ocean Worlds Through Analogs: Lab Studies"
Xinting Yu
“Material Properties of Organic Liquids, Ices, and Hazes on Titan”
Paul V. Johnson
“Frozen Brines: Experimental Insights into Europa’s Surface Chemistry and Microbial Viability”
Quarterly Lecture Series
September 12th 3pm ET/ 12pm PT
Season 3: Episode 1 "Exploring Ocean Worlds Through Analogs: Field Studies"
Alexis Templeton (UC Boulder)
Craig Lee (APL UW)
Quarterly Lecture Series
February 28th 1pm ET/ 10am PT
Season 2: Science Motivations for Ocean Worlds Exploration
Episode 4: Sensing the Environment
Quarterly Lecture Series
October 18th, 1pm ET/ 11am PT
Season 2: Science Motivations for Ocean Worlds Exploration
Episode 3: Geochemistry & Habitability
NOW Proposal Writing Workshop
September 24th, 11-1pm ET/ 8-10am pm PT
Presentations from Program Managers:
Mary Voytek (PSD)
Laura Lorenzoni (ESD-Oceans)
Thorsten Markus (ESD-Cryosphere)
Live From an Ocean World!
July 15 4pm ET/ 1pm PT
Explore the Deep Sea on the E/V Nautilus
Hosted by:
Dr. Peter Girguis, Harvard University
Dr. Christopher German, Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitiution
Quarterly Lecture Series
June 21, 2021
Season 2: Science Motivations for Ocean Worlds Exploration
Episode 2: Geophysics & Habitability
Science Motivations: Dr. James Roberts (JHU-APL)
Technologies/Instruments: Dr. Angela Marusiak (JPL)
MARCH 29, 2020
Season 2: Science Motivations for Ocean Worlds Exploration
Episode 1: "Signs of Life: Detection and Characterization."
Lectures by Marc Neveu (NASA Goddard) and Richard Quinn (NASA Ames
Season 1: Life on Ocean Worlds
JANUARY 4, 2020
Episode 4: "Life on the surface and in atmospheres"
Lectures by Prof. Juan Lora (Yale University) “Understanding Titan's hydrologic cycle and the distribution of methane seas"and Dr. David J. Smith (NASA Ames) “Microbiological Exploration in Earth’s Atmosphere”
Episode 3: "Life in the ice and ice-ocean interface"
Lectures by Dr. Kevin Arrigo, Stanford University and by Dr. Mike Malaska, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JUNE 2020
Episode 2: “Life on the seafloors and in the oceans”
Lectures by Dr. Julie Huber, WHOI and by Dr. Kevin Hand, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
MARCH 2020
Episode 1: Introduction to Cryospheres: The Ocean Worlds and Earth
Lectures by Jill Mikucki, University of Tennessee and Cynthia Phillips, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory