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Network Organization

NOW is organized by 4 Co-Leads, and a Steering Committee made up of PIs from relevant Ocean Worlds projects funded through NASA R&A grants. More information about each member of the NOW steering committee, together with links to their research programs are listed below. All scientists and engineers funded as part of each project-team that has chosen to join the NOW Network are Members of the NOW Network.

In future, all ROSES proposers will be able to volunteer to join NOW by responding to a query during the proposal submission process.

In the spirit of inclusivity, NOW also offers the opportunity to join as an Affiliate of our network. Affiliates receive regular updates on NOW activities including alerts for new funding opportunities, details of how to participate in forthcoming community meetings and invitations to join our quarterly Ocean Worlds on-line seminar series. Affiliate status is designed to accommodate all those who are not currently funded through an active NASA Ocean Worlds research award but who seek to become involved in future Ocean Worlds research activities.

Join NOW today

Steering Committee

Kevin Arrigo

Samuel Bailey

Seismometer to Investigate Ice

and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)

Laurie Barge

Phosphorus Redox Chemistry

on Icy and Rocky Planets

Jacob Buffo

A Song of Ice and Brine: Dynamic Habitability in Low Temperature Saline Systems

William Brinckerhoff

Europan Molecular Indicators

of Life Investigation (EMILI)

Steering Committee Member

Henry Cardwell

Richard Cartwright

Unraveling the origin and nature of non-ice species on the icy Galilean moons

Julie Castillo-Rogez

Audrey Chatain

Steering Committee Member

Brent Christner

Kate Craft

Mohit Melwani Daswani

Melisa Diaz

Coupling ICESat-2 observations, field data and laboratory analyses to investigate physical and biogeochemical processes at ice-ocean interfaces

Catherine Elder

Catherine Elder

Sierra Ferguson

Christine Foreman

Christopher German

Michele Gierach

Jennifer Glass

Heather Graham

Jacqueline Grebmeier

Cyril Grima

Jennifer Hanley

Investigating the Stability of Trace Species in Titan’s Lakes and Seas

Alexander Hayes

Bryana Henderson

Plasma-Surface Interactions on Europa: Quantification of Primary and Secondary Radiation with Depth

Matthew Hedman

Kevin Hand

Investigating energetic electron weathering at Saturn's inner

mid-sized moons

Tori Hoehler

Jason D. Hofgartner

Eris: The brightest (and most active?)

Amy Hofmann

Experimental investigation of vapor pressure isotope effects relevant to surface- atmosphere interactions on Titan

Sam Howell

Europa’s icy tectonics:

First-principles and higher-order modeling

Carly Howett

Julie Huber

Brandon Johnson

Formation of icy multiring basins: exploring sensitivity to ice shell thickness and thermal structure on Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto

Karen Junge

Simon Kattenhorn

A plate tectonic drift paradigm

shift: new context for explaining

Europa's fractured surface

Frieder Klein

Yang Liao

Beyond the viscoelastic model: re-evaluating tidal heating and fluid flows in tidally heated moons using two-phase physics

Darlene Lim

Melody Lindsay

Active-Life Detection Technologies and Lineage-Resolved Microbial Process Rates in an Ocean World Analog Subsurface Ecosystem

Shannon MacKenzie

Michael Malaska

Emily Martin

Jill Mikucki

ICE-MAMBA Ice-covered

Chemosynthetic Ecosystems:

Mineral Availability and MicroBiological Accessibility

Kelly Miller

Alison Murray

Aaron Noell

Cellular and Complex Organic Biosignature Preservation Potential of Cryogenic Ices

Jessica Noviello

How and when did cryolava extrude onto Charon's surface?

Conor Nixon

Stephanie Olson

Oceanographic Considerations for the Oxygenation of Habitable Worlds: Lessons from Early Earth

Charity Phillips-Lander

Aude Picard

Under pressure: Do Cell-Cell Interactions and Cooperative Behavior Impact the Limits and Signatures of Microbial Activity under Ocean World Analog Conditions

Lynnae Quick

The Role of Cryovolcanism in Creating Habitable Niches on Exoplanets Beyond the Snow Line

Richard Quinn

LIfE: Luminescence

Imager for Exploration

Jani Radebaugh

Alyssa Rhoden

Alessandra Ricca

Constraining the macromolecular organics in Enceladus' plumes under hypervelocity impact conditions

Kirtland Robinson

Organic Nitrogen Compounds

as Temperature, pH, and

Redox Indicators for

Icy Ocean Worlds

Karyn Rogers

The DEEP Project: DEtecting Extraterrestrial Piezophiles

in Ocean World Analogs

Leslie Rogers

Quantifying the Effect

of Oceans on the

Atmospheric Composition

of Habitable Water Worlds

Annette Rowe

Understanding the Interactions and Energy Transfer Between the Lithosphere and Biosphere in a Marine-like Terrestrial Serpentinizing System

Britney Schmidt

Lauren Schurmeier

Explaining Titan’s Topography: Modeling The Influence of Crustal Clathrates and Organics

Ella Sciamma-O'Brien

Integrated laboratory, modeling

and observational investigations

of the condensation of benzene

on Titan's stratospheric aerosols

Jennifer Scully

Detailed Geologic Mapping of Pwyll and Manannán Impact Craters: Indicators of Europa’s Ice Shell Thickness

Jeff Seewald

Everett Shock

The Habitability Calculator

Mark Skidmore

Pablo Sobron

Jason Soderblom

The Impact of Titan's Impacts

Krista Soderlund

Europa Clipper

Alejandro Soto

William Stone

THOR (Thermal High-voltage

Ocean-penetrator Research platform)

Steve Vance

Phase relations of salt-H2O solutions at high pressure: Implications for the icy worlds

Dale P Winebrenner

Kris Zacny